Remember those brightly-coloured, sickly-sweet, brain-freeze-inducing slushies we enjoyed as kids? Nostalgia is great and all, but now as adults, the ingredients in those slushies are looking pretty terrifying. But this doesn't mean your slushy days have to be over; if you have a powerful blender, slushies are super easy to make at home and can not only be delicious but really healthy as well.

Practically any summer fruit will work in this recipe, but we've chosen strawberries, because, well, to us they just scream summer. Since we're always looking for new and fun ways to incorporate our collagen into our diet, we've included some in this recipe. With the collagen boosting properties of the vitamin C from the strawberries and lime, this slushy will not only make your think of your younger days, but possibly bring back that youthful glow as well.



PREP TIME: 5 mins


  • ½ cup water (warm but not hot)
  • 1 scoop Sproos Marine or Grass Fed Collagen
  • 2 cups diced frozen strawberries
  • Juice of one lime
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup, or, 5-8 drops liquid stevia


  1. In a cup or small bowl, whisk the collagen into the water until dissolved, then pour into the blender.
  2. Add the strawberries, lime juice and sweetener if using.
  3. Blend until smooth. You will likely have to use the blender plunger to help the blending along. Or, stop and scrape down the sides and shake the blender jar whenever the blender seems to get stuck. Then, restart, until the mixture is a nice smooth consistency.
  4. Use a spatula to scrape the mixture into a bowl or fancy glass and eat with a spoon.
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