Oh summer we love you! Road trips, weekends away and lots of time outdoors. But being on the go means eating on the go, and that can easily spiral into unhealthy habits like grabbing processed snacks at the gas station, or fast food at a drive-through. Even those of us who are health-obsessed have fallen into these traps when hunger has taken over.

A little planning and prep can go a long way when it comes to healthy road tripping, and it doesn’t mean you have to take the time to pack an elaborate picnic either. Just a few nutrient-dense and filling snacks in a cooler bag can keep you going for hours, no pit-stop needed.

Here are 11 of our favourite snacks to pack:

  1. Avocados. Just include a knife, to halve the avocado, and a spoon for scooping and those good fats will keep you going for hours.
  2. All-natural dried fruit, nuts and seeds. You can’t go wrong with these. Just do your best to make sure they are raw or dry roasted and that the fruit doesn’t contain any sulphites or added sugar. Lately we’re loving dried mango, and sea salted watermelon seeds. So good!
  3. Hard boiled eggs. Ok, it’s true they are a bit smelly when first peeled, BUT, they are such a good protein source and are so easy to transport. If everyone in the car eats them at the same time, it should be ok! Bring a little shaker of sea salt with you and sprinkle some on your egg to up the taste.
  4. Jicama sticks. Pack them in a lidded glass container with a good squeeze of fresh lime juice and sprinkle of sea salt. Soooo good, we promise this will be your new favourite vegetable.
  5. Veggie sticks like carrots or bell peppers with a little container of hummus or nut butter for dipping. A classic, but a winner.
  6. Olives. Lots of flavour and healthy fats to keep you satiated, and they travel well.
  7. Sachets of Sproos grass fed collagen or marine collagen (we had to). Add some protein and the benefits of collagen to your water or hot drink while you’re on the road. A great way to start the day as you head out on your travels.
  8. Sachets of your favourite clean all-in-one protein powder and a shaker bottle of water. An easy meal in one shake.
  9. Dark chocolate (again, we had to). Feeling a little tired after all those hours on the road, a few squares of dark chocolate will wake you up and cheer you right up too.
  10. Don’t forget a nice big bottle of water. Add some ice before you leave in the morning, to keep it chilled for longer.
  11. Some sort of homemade, protein rich healthy treat. A little effort is required but it’s so worth it when you’re bored a few hours in and craving something interesting to put in your mouth. We love these Paleo Collagen Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Happy road tripping everyone!
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